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Gloucester County Council highways department were faced with a problem of a Cotswold dry stone retaining wall which was failing by rotation and delamination. The extremely high wall was retaining a highway containing many vital infrastructure services and formed the boundary wall of a private residence in close proximity to the house.
The wall is constructed of natural Cotswold Stone masonry with a Cotswold stone parapet and total length of wall is approximately 55 metres . The wall, retains a 6.5m wide carriageway and 1.25m wide footpath above the gardens of 3 Millbank. The wall is founded on top of an earth embankment for the first 44 metres in length, located some 4 metres above the driveway of 3 Millbank. The wall thickness was relatively consistent throughout its length at 540mm.
As the drawing above indicates, the solution arrived at and designed by Don Hughes of local en-gineers Epoc, whereby both vertical and inclined Cintec anchors were installed to act as ground anchors and additionally consolidation anchors to ensure the dry-stone wall acted as a homoge-nous structure.